The dust has started to settle after the commotion of tax season. Now that you’ve submitted your return and CRA has processed it, you might be in the enviable position of getting a tax refund. You might have already earmarked that money as soon as you found out you were getting that “gift” from the government, but I have a few tips before you part with that cash in today’s video.
The first thing to consider is why you are receiving a tax refund. For the most part, if you’re employed and have taxes deducted from your paycheque each pay, your tax refund, or balance owing should be pretty minimal.
If you received a refund as a result of contributing to your RRSP, that extra income from your tax refund should be going right back into your RRSP. As I outlined in my recent video “Rethinking RRSP’s”, the amount you should be saving in your RRSP needs to incorporate the tax refund you’ll receive as a result. Otherwise, if you’re looking to save the same amount as you would have in a TFSA, and spending the tax refund as a bonus, you’ll be worse off come retirement. Here’s an example to show why this is, Say you’re paying a 40% tax rate. If you determined that you had 10,000 to save after-tax, you could put that in a TFSA or RRSP. If you spent that tax refund, you’d save the same amount in both accounts, and after 30 years earning an 8% return, you’d have just over $100,000. With the TFSA, that’s tax free. But with the RRSP, you still have to pay tax on those withdrawals (since you got a tax break when you contributed). Even if you drop down to the 20% tax rate in retirement, that $100,000 in the RRSP is still only worth $80,000, $20,000 less than in the TFSA. If you’re in the position with a maxed out RRSP, you should still save that refund either in the TFSA or a non-registered account.
If you’ve got all your ducks in a row and have a healthy emergency fund, have paid off your debts, have already funded your goals for the year, and your budget won’t be thrown off by gifts you have to get for that wedding you were invited to this summer, then go ahead and splurge! Research shows that spending money on experiences provides more happiness than stuff, so go ahead and book that vacation!
Going forward, you might want to consider setting things up so that you don’t get a refund. Getting a refund from the government essentially means that you loaned them money throughout the year, interest free, and are now getting it back from them in April. If you’re consistently in the situation where you receive a tax refund, you can complete CRA form T1213. But make sure you’ll continue to get similar credits and deductions in the future because things like tuition credits run out, dependent credits stop, and employer pensions you’re no longer a part of don’t reduce your taxes. You don’t want to be caught in the situation where they owe money in April, but don’t have any cash available.
Use your tax refund wisely this year and you’ll be thankful you did.