Jan 24, 2024

The Safe-Keeping of your Assets

PWL Capital is structured such that all your assets are held in accounts in your name by our carrying broker, National Bank Independent Network. When you deposit money to your accounts, the cheque is made out to NBIN, never PWL. Any movements of funds or securities in or out of your accounts can only be executed with your written authorization. The monthly account statements that you receive for each one of your accounts is mailed directly from the offices of National Bank Independent Network, without our intervention, ensuring an unbiased and audited valuation of your holdings.

PWL Capital and our Investment Advisors are registered and regulated by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO). By virtue of our registration with the CIRO, we are also subject to the oversight of the provincial regulatory bodies (e.g.: Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) in Quebec or the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) in Ontario.)

As a member of CIRO, we must comply with a series of rules and procedures governing securities transactions and portfolio management. Our firm must also undergo three regular inspections conducted by this self-regulatory organization.

Our Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) is responsible to ensure that each transaction is verified. In addition, she conducts a full audit of the accounts under our management on a quarterly basis.

PWL’s chartered accountants, Richter, conduct an annual financial audit and review our financial results and controls. The results of their work are reported to the shareholders of PWL and industry regulators.

The Safe-Keeping of your Assets

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