On today’s episode, we cover a variety of topics, such as some tips for DIY investors, highlights from a conference Cameron recently attended, home country investment bias and whether it’s possible to have too much money in your RRSP. We begin first by talking about what DIY investors can do to ensure that they are investing to the best of their abilities. As people who work in investment daily, we often forget how tricky a terrain it can be to navigate if you are not armed with all of the knowledge, so we hope to pass some of it on to you. After that, we move onto the lessons Cameron learned from the Dimensional Advisors conference. We unpack ideas such as why he believes the world is ‘running towards factors,’ how Dimensional is leveraging academic research to inform their work along with some other highlights. Following on from that and picking up on what was spoken about at the conference, we delve into the pros and cons of home country investment bias. In some instances, this bias makes perfect sense, both from a returns and tax perspective and in other instances less so. We take you through some of these scenarios and what they mean for an investor looking to diversify. And finally, in the planning portion of our show, we tackle RRSPs, whether it is possible to overinvest in them, how they compare to other investments and much more. To learn more, join us today!
“All a factor is just a difference in an expected return and what causes that difference.” — @CameronPassmore [0:12:53]
“If stocks have different expected returns, then there must be a value premium. It’s like gravity. It’s undebatable.” — @CameronPassmore [0:14:57]
“Canada makes up just over 3 percent of the global stock market by capitalization. Most Canadians have way more than that.” — @benjaminwfelix [0:22:36]
“Betting on one country is effectively a bet on that economy, which isn’t necessarily a good bet.” — @benjaminwfelix [0:25:46]
“If we assume the same expected return before cost and taxes, then you would definitely have a bias towards owning Canadian equities.” — @benjaminwfelix [0:34:19]
Rational Reminder Website — https://rationalreminder.ca/
Boomer and Echo Blog — https://boomerandecho.com/
Spring Financial Planning — https://springplans.ca/
Robb Engen on Twitter — https://twitter.com/RobbEngen
Robb Engen on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbengen
Robb Engen’s email — robbengen@gmail.com
Dimension Fund Advisors — https://us.dimensional.com/
Professor Robert Novy-Marx — http://rnm.simon.rochester.edu/
Journal of Finance — https://afajof.org/journal-of-finance/
International Diversification Works (Eventually) — https://www.aqr.com/Insights/Research/Journal-Article/International-Diversification-Works-Eventually
Download the transcript of this episode here: Rational Reminder Podcast – EP. 70 – Transcript