Have you ever received hate mail or negative comments on your social media posts? We’re here to tell you you’re not alone. On today’s show we are talking at length about your interactions online with people commenting on YouTube videos as well as a Globe and Mail article which is quite incredible. It’s kind of a theme for this week. We dive into online trolls, those people whose sole purpose in life is to get you down. It’s super interesting to read and obviously very entertaining for some to see. People are forever out there giving advice and it’s up to you to decide who you’re listen to and what advice you’re taking. In wrapping up our talk, we also reveal our pick for the worst advice that we’ve heard in the previous week and why you need to stay far, far away. For all this and more, keep listening!
Key Points From This Episode:
[bctt tweet=”“Wanting and needing something messes with ones ability to gauge the likelihood of outcome.” — @benjaminwfelix” username=”@RationalRemind”] [0:12:53][bctt tweet=”“Even a bad strategy can have a good outcome.” — @benjaminwfelix” username=”@RationalRemind”][0:13:04]
[bctt tweet=”“If you believe it this much, that’s probably what’s causing great performance.” — @benjaminwfelix ” username=”@RationalRemind “] [0:20:30]
Links From Today’s Episode:
Rational Reminder Website — https://rationalreminder.ca/
Tim Ferriss — https://tim.blog/
Mr Money Mustache — https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/
Download the transcript of this episode: The Rational Reminder Podcast Ep.44 – Transcript