Welcome to this episode of the Rational Reminder Podcast! We’ve decided to tweak the format of the show slightly, so you can look forward to a more focused conversation around current and portfolio topics and much less talk about factors! In our talk today, we uncover the recent popularity of IPOs, giving you a balanced perspective so that you can decided for yourself whether the hype holds enough merit for you to get involved. We also get into the various arguments against indexing, pulling apart all the factors to keep in mind, and then advise you on choosing account types based on your individual financial needs. In wrapping up our talk, we also reveal our pick for the worst advice that we’ve heard in the previous week and why you need to stay far, far away. For all this and more, be sure to join us!
Key Points From This Episode:
[bctt tweet=”“But people like IPOs because lottery effect obviously, people are willing to accept the probability of losses for the small potential of a very large gains.”” username=”benjaminwfelix”] [0:12:49][bctt tweet=”“Everybody wants control. I mean that’s the main driver I think for having active management. You want to control what you can. Index funds, you have no control.” — @CameronPassmore ” username=”PWLCapital”][0:16:05]
[bctt tweet=”“I think the key is you eliminate downside in most cases, but you cap upside. That’s basically the essence of the product, structured notes and market link GICs, you’re giving up potential upside for eliminating downside.” — @benjaminwfelix ” username=”PWLCapital”][0:37:06]
Links From Today’s Episode:
Rational Reminder Website — https://rationalreminder.ca/
Ontario Budget 2019 — http://budget.ontario.ca/2019/contents.html
RBC Canadian Equity Fund — http://fundinfo.rbcgam.com/mutual-funds/rbc-funds/fund-pages/rbf269.fs
TD Canadian Equity Fund —https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/funds/TDB3089.CF/
Wall Street Journal — https://www.wsj.com/news/us
S&P Total Market Index — https://us.spindices.com/indices/equity/sp-total-market-index-tmi
S&P/TSX Composite — https://www.fxcm.com/za/insights/sptsx-composite-index/
FTSE Canada All Cap — https://www.ftse.com/products/indices/Canada-AllCap
“The Long-Term Performance of IPOs, Revisited” — https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2929733
Carhart four-factor model — https://capital.com/carhart-four-factor-model-definition
Jeunesse — https://garsumy.jeunesseglobal.com/en-US/countries
Fannie Mae — http://www.fanniemae.com/portal/index.html
Download the transcript of this episode: The Rational Reminder Podcast Ep.42 – Transcript