Welcome back to another episode of the Rational Reminder Podcast. Our guest today is a great friend and associate, Mark Sutcliffe! Mark is a well know media personality, community worker, philanthropist, business person, and investor. He also happens to be a great speaker and listener, which probably has something to do with him hosting his own radio show. Today we are extremely excited to be able able to interview him and pick his brain on all things rational, financial, and beyond.
We chat about what makes Mark tick, his passions, his motivations, and what keeps him going. From there we dive into the financial industry and hear first-hand about Mark’s own learning curve and how he currently views investing. We then turn to the subject of Ottawa and look specifically at Mark’s work in and commitment to the city. A strong theme that arises in this episode is Mark’s view of his own good fortune and we finish off our interview with a meditation on the success he has experienced and some of his ambitions for the future. For all this and much more, be sure to listen in!
Key Points From This Episode:
“I think I have a compulsion towards ticking boxes and solving problems and that kind of thing. I think when I see something that’s not being done properly, I want to fix it.” — @_MarkSutcliffe [0:03:27.8]
“I hate waste of any kind, I hate wasting time, money, food, anything like that. I try to be really efficient with my schedule and not waste any time at all. That’s my strategy, my approach.” — @_MarkSutcliffe [0:06:14.4]
“If the industry is structured in a way that the incentives that are offered to them, put them at cross purposes with their clients at times then you know how that’s going to play out, right? — @_MarkSutcliffe [0:06:14.4]
Links From Today’s Episode:
Rational Reminder on iTunes — https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-rational-reminder-podcast/id1426530582
Mark Sutcliffe — http://www.marksutcliffe.com/
The Long Road to Boston — https://www.amazon.com/Long-Road-Boston-Pursuit-Marathon-ebook/dp/B01LYTWJIH
Sutcliffe and Whalen — https://www.sutcliffewhalen.com/
Nokia — https://www.nokia.com/
Ottawa Business Journal — https://obj.ca/
Michael Curran — https://obj.ca/taxonomy/term/21591
Mark Sutcliffe TEDx — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DXw1PCnEA8&feature=youtu.be
Bill Gates — https://www.gatesnotes.com/
Ottawa Citizen — https://ottawacitizen.com/
Rideau Centre — https://www.cfshops.com/rideau-centre.html
Download the transcript of this episode: The_Rational_Reminder_Podcast_EP18_Transcript.