Welcome to the Rational Reminder Podcast everybody! Today on the show we welcome a good friend and someone who has had a massive influence on our lives and work. Bestselling investment author, Dan Solin, joins us on the podcast today. Dan has been a staunch advocate for evidence based investing for a long time now and although this approach is still far from dominant, it has grown immensely in the years he has been active. His focus on smart, client-centered investing has set the standard for a certain portion of advisors in the US and Canada, notably the ones hosting this show! In our conversation, we chat about Dan’s history and the foundations of his professional philosophy. We get into some of his work as a lawyer and how this influenced his overall career trajectory. Interestingly, we spend some time on the topics of happiness and kindness and their integral importance to financial success for any investor. For an inspiring and thoughtful conversation with a true industry leader, be sure to tune in!
Key Points From This Episode:
“I fully understand better than most that every time you convert a prospect into a client, you’ve saved that prospect from the ravages of the traditional securities industry.” — @DanSolin [0:05:11.4]
“We’re trained to be very rational, dispassionate and to find support for whatever position we’re taking.” — @DanSolin [0:05:55.8]
“Maybe people listening to this podcast who are looking for a career with potential will become evidence based advisors because I see a tremendous future.” — @DanSolin [0:12:29.8]
Links From Today’s Episode:
Rational Reminder on iTunes — https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-rational-reminder-podcast/id1426530582.
Dan Solin — https://danielsolin.com/
Dan Solin on Twitter — https://twitter.com/DanSolin
Dan Solin on Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/dansolin
Dan Solin on Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/DanSolin
Does Your Broker Owe You Money — https://www.amazon.com/Does-Your-Broker-Owe-Money/dp/0399533362/
The Smartest Sales Book You’ll Ever Read — https://www.amazon.com/Smartest-Sales-Book-Youll-Ever-ebook/dp/B00ISEUTLU
CNBC — https://www.cnbc.com/
Jack Vogel — https://www.valuewalk.com/2018/03/jack-vogel-on-quantitative-value-momentum-investing/
Jim Cramer — https://www.thestreet.com/jim-cramer
Daniel Kahneman — https://kahneman.socialpsychology.org/
Goldman Sachs — https://www.goldmansachs.com/
Harvard — https://www.harvard.edu/
Fortune 500 — http://fortune.com/fortune500/
Middle America’s Plan — https://middleamericasplan.com/