Welcome back to The Rational Reminder Podcast! Today we are riding solo with no guests and just going over some recent developments, in-house news, and gearing up for some more great shows in the pipeline. We have had so many amazing guests recently, talking on a number of specific topics, so we thought we would take this opportunity to clean the mailbox, as it were, and set the table for the next few weeks. During the episode we cover the new partnership between RBC and iShares and what this means going forward and we also look at the state of ETFs and how much they have grown in the last few years. We talk about the impetus to go to cash that many investors and advisors seem to be considering and also discuss global diversification and how this is the truest representation of a belief in capitalism. We talk data, advertising, tax and the supposed market monopolies that the biggest companies in the world have right now. For all this and more, be sure to join us!
Key Points From This Episode:
“There’s still a merit and owning multiple countries and multiple countries and multiple currencies in your portfolio. Just have to look at the performance of these countries over time and how different the returns are.” — @benjaminwfelix [0:09:02.6]
“If you only own stocks in one country, even if they’re deriving revenue from other countries, that’s not truly a bet on capitalism. You have to be globally diversified to bet on capitalism” — @CameronPassmore [0:10:21.3]
Links From Today’s Episode:
Rational Reminder on iTunes — https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-rational-reminder-podcast/id1426530582.
Rational Reminder Website — https://www.pwlcapital.com/author/benjamin-felix/
Benjamin Felix — https://www.pwlcapital.com/author/benjamin-felix/
Benjamin on Twitter — https://twitter.com/benjaminwfelix
Benjamin on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminwfelix/
Cameron Passmore — https://www.pwlcapital.com/profile/cameron-passmore/
Cameron on Twitter — https://twitter.com/CameronPassmore
Cameron on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/cameronpassmore/
Larry Swedroe — https://www.etf.com/contributors/larry-swedroe
Buckingham — https://buckinghamadvisor.com/
iShares — https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/ishares-global
RBC — http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/
Vanguard — https://about.vanguard.com/
Black Rock — https://www.blackrock.com
Barron’s — https://www.barrons.com/
Dan Solin — https://danielsolin.com/
Jason Zweig — http://jasonzweig.com/
Adam Smith — https://www.investopedia.com/updates/adam-smith-economics/
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now — https://www.amazon.com/Arguments-Deleting-Social-Media-Accounts/dp/125019668X
Sapiens — https://www.amazon.com/Sapiens-Humankind-Yuval-Noah-Harari/dp/0062316095
Russ Roberts — http://russroberts.info/
The Most Valuable Resource is No Longer Oil but Data — https://www.economist.com/leaders/2017/05/06/the-worlds-most-valuable-resource-is-no-longer-oil-but-data
Freakonomics Episode — http://freakonomics.com/podcast/big-penis-things-ask-google/
Andrew Coyne — https://nationalpost.com/author/acoynenp
Financial Post — https://business.financialpost.com/
CPP IB — http://www.cppib.com/en/
The Globe and Mail — https://www.theglobeandmail.com/
Download the transcript of this episode: The Rational Reminder Podcast – Episode 29 Transcript