Conversations with empowered businesswomen about the milestones that made them who they are. Hosted by Nancy Graham of PWL Capital.
“Is a little customer service too much to ask for?” Who hasn’t wondered this after hiring a so-so contractor to renovate their home or business? While most of us vent our frustration and move on, Tonya Bruin decided to do something about it. In 2015, she founded “To-Do Done,” a residential and commercial renovation service, and champion of customer care. Woman-owned and operated, culturally diverse, with 1% of its earnings dedicated to community service, Tonya’s business earned her a finalist position in the Emerging Entrepreneur category for the 2020 Women’s Business Network of Ottawa Business Woman of the Year awards. How does she ensure her tradespeople shine on the job? Find out in today’s Standing Out conversation with Tonya Bruin.