Team Peter Guay Model Portfolios – June 30, 2024

This document provides the performance data for Model Portfolios for June 30, as compiled by the Peter Guay Team.

For illustration purposes only. Actual client portfolios may be different.  

Sources: Dimensional Returns Web

This table is published by PWL Capital Inc. for your information only. Information on which this table is based is available on request. Particular investments or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to each individual’s objectives in consultation with the Investment Advisor. Opinions of PWL Capital constitute its judgment as of the date on this document, and are subject to change without notice. They are provided in good faith but without responsibility for any errors or omissions contained herein. This table is furnished on the basis and understanding that neither PWL Capital Inc. nor its employees, agents or information suppliers is to be under any responsibility of liability whatsoever in respect thereof.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. The historical performance of indexes is illustrative only and is not necessarily a reflection of the future performance of any fund tracking that benchmark.
    • Model Portfolios
      Performance Conservative
      1-Year Total Return 7.52%
      3-Year Annualized Return 1.31%
      5-Year Annualized Return 2.73%
      10-Year Annualized Return 3.39%
      20-Year Annualized Return 4.30%
      Lowest 1-Year Return (03/2008-02/2009) -8.16%
      20-Year Annualized Standard Deviation 3.97%
    • Fund Holdings
      Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond ETF 50.00%
      BMO Aggregate Bond 25.00%
      DFA Global REIT 5.00%
      DFA Canadian Core Equity 2.00%
      iShares S&P/TSX Capped Composite ETF 2.00%
      DFA U.S. Vector Equity 4.00%
      Vanguard U.S. Total Market ETF 4.00%
      DFA International Vector Equity 4.00%
      iShares Core MSCI EAFE IMI ETF 2.80%
      BMO MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 1.20%
      Weighted Average Management Expense Ratio 0.15%
    • Model Portfolios
      Performance Cautious
      1-Year Total Return 10.05%
      3-Year Annualized Return 2.77%
      5-Year Annualized Return 4.53%
      10-Year Annualized Return 4.89%
      20-Year Annualized Return 5.31%
      Lowest 1-Year Return (03/2008-02/2009) -16.54%
      20-Year Annualized Standard Deviation 5.88%
    • Fund Holdings
      Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond ETF 36.70%
      BMO Aggregate Bond 18.30%
      DFA Global REIT 5.00%
      DFA Canadian Core Equity 4.00%
      iShares S&P/TSX Capped Composite ETF 4.00%
      DFA U.S. Vector Equity 8.00%
      Vanguard U.S. Total Market ETF 8.00%
      DFA International Vector Equity 8.00%
      iShares Core MSCI EAFE IMI ETF 5.60%
      BMO MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 2.40%
      Weighted Average Management Expense Ratio 0.18%
    • Model Portfolios
      Performance Balanced
      1-Year Total Return 12.58%
      3-Year Annualized Return 4.20%
      5-Year Annualized Return 6.29%
      10-Year Annualized Return 6.36%
      20-Year Annualized Return 6.24%
      Lowest 1-Year Return (03/2008-02/2009) -24.84%
      20-Year Annualized Standard Deviation 8.08%
    • Fund Holdings
      Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond ETF 23.30%
      BMO Aggregate Bond 11.70%
      DFA Global REIT 5.00%
      DFA Canadian Core Equity 6.00%
      iShares S&P/TSX Capped Composite ETF 6.00%
      DFA U.S. Vector Equity 12.00%
      Vanguard U.S. Total Market ETF 12.00%
      DFA International Vector Equity 12.00%
      iShares Core MSCI EAFE IMI ETF 8.40%
      BMO MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 3.60%
      Weighted Average Management Expense Ratio 0.22%
    • Model Portfolios
      Performance Assertive
      1-Year Total Return 15.12%
      3-Year Annualized Return 5.61%
      5-Year Annualized Return 8.04%
      10-Year Annualized Return 7.82%
      20-Year Annualized Return 7.07%
      Lowest 1-Year Return (03/2008-02/2009) -32.49%
      20-Year Annualized Standard Deviation 10.42%
    • Fund Holdings
      Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond ETF 10.00%
      BMO Aggregate Bond 5.00%
      DFA Global REIT 5.00%
      DFA Canadian Core Equity 8.00%
      iShares S&P/TSX Capped Composite ETF 8.00%
      DFA U.S. Vector Equity 16.00%
      Vanguard U.S. Total Market ETF 16.00%
      DFA International Vector Equity 16.00%
      iShares Core MSCI EAFE IMI ETF 11.20%
      BMO MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 4.80%
      Weighted Average Management Expense Ratio 0.25%
    • Model Portfolios
      Performance Aggressive
      1-Year Total Return 17.55%
      3-Year Annualized Return 7.03%
      5-Year Annualized Return 9.76%
      10-Year Annualized Return 9.03%
      20-Year Annualized Return 7.69%
      Lowest 1-Year Return (03/2008-02/2009) -37.35%
      20-Year Annualized Standard Deviation 12.25%
    • Fund Holdings
      Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond ETF 0.00%
      BMO Aggregate Bond 0.00%
      DFA Global REIT 0.00%
      DFA Canadian Core Equity 10.00%
      iShares S&P/TSX Capped Composite ETF 10.00%
      DFA U.S. Vector Equity 20.00%
      Vanguard U.S. Total Market ETF 20.00%
      DFA International Vector Equity 20.00%
      iShares Core MSCI EAFE IMI ETF 14.00%
      BMO MSCI Emerging Markets ETF 6.00%
      Weighted Average Management Expense Ratio 0.28%