Wendy joined PWL in 2017 after a 12-year career as a life insurance underwriter. She brings her financial background and detail-oriented skills to managing client services and administrative support for the Bender, Bender & Bortolotti team.

Born and raised in Brantford, Ontario, Wendy holds a B.Sc. in kinesiology from the University of Waterloo.

Bender, Bender & Bortolotti Team

Reboot Your Portfolio: 9 Steps to Successful Investing with ETFs

by Dan Bortolotti

A step-by-step guide to a proven, simple, low-cost strategy that beats the performance of most professional money managers.

With low-cost alternatives and low trading costs widely available to the average investor, why do Canadians still struggle to manage their money effectively?

Many stubbornly believe that successful investing is about outsmarting the market and forecasting the economy, even though these strategies routinely fail. So, we focus on the wrong things – such as short-term market moves, or which stocks to buy – and take inappropriate risks, losing sight of the fact that a portfolio is simply a tool to help us achieve our goals: buying a house, saving for a comfortable retirement, or a university education for our kids.

Whether your nest egg is $1,000 or $1 million, Reboot Your Portfolio is the roadmap you need to take control of your investments, shake off your bad habits, reduce your money stress, and enjoy the financial future you deserve.

  • Offers a simple nine-step approach to building a low-cost, low-maintenance, diversified portfolio of exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
  • Covers all the steps you need to know to set financial goals, select ETFs, open accounts and place orders, build and maintain your portfolio, and stick with your plan for the long haul.
  • Written by an award-winning journalist and the creator of Canadian Couch Potato, one of the longest-running and most popular financial blogs in the country.

Order your copy today

Reboot your portfolio
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  • PWL has provided me with the peace of mind that comes from knowing my investments aren't exposed to unnecessary risks. They've always made a point of promptly answering any questions I've had and processing all my instructions in an expeditious manner, which has led to a very positive working relationship.

    Maple, Ontario
  • Justin, Shannon and PWL Capital have demonstrated a confident professionalism and realistic understanding of my financial situation and expected requirements. They have given me the sense of security and trust that I am looking for: I feel that I am in good hands.

    Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
  • Shannon and Justin are a rare find in the industry. Before switching I was being charged up to 2.5% in hidden fees. PWL took the time to set me up with a plan that openly states their fees and clearly articulated the nature of the investments. It’s refreshing to meet a team so up-to-date with the latest technology. I can't recommend this team's services enough.

    Toronto, Ontario
  • PWL Capital has handled my finances for about 10 years. My confidence level is high as I start into a time of life when significant transitions are made. I rest assured that PWL and its staff are on top of my financial affairs and work within a conservative, reliable and standards-driven organization.

    Richmond Hill, Ontario
  • We both felt very comfortable with the planning process and the obvious skills of Shannon and Justin. We feel confident about working together in the future with all members of the team.

    Peterborough, Ontario
  • We decided to sign on with Justin and Shannon at PWL Capital for several reasons: the passive investment model, good interpersonal skills, transparency with regards to fees, and adherence to the fiduciary standard. I would have no hesitation to recommend this team.

    Toronto, Ontario
  • Justin and Shannon offer a level of personal service and expertise that I have not found from any other advisor. The ability to have nearly all of my financial needs met in one place is invaluable and, even more importantly, I appreciate knowing that I will always receive a prompt response to my questions.

    Thornhill, Ontario
  • We have received outstanding guidance and support from Justin and Shannon. We especially value the math-based rationale and emphasis on asset location and tax implications. And then there is the highly responsive and accommodating style—including custom performance reports—reasonable fees, and willingness to go above and beyond.

    Toronto, Ontario

Contact the Bender, Bender & Bortolotti Team

  • In order to keep our fees low and our service level high, PWL’s Bender, Bender & Bortolotti team is only able to work with clients with household accounts totaling $1 million or more. If you do not meet our minimum, please visit the Canadian Couch Potato and Canadian Portfolio Manager websites for a host of resources that we offer for free to all investors.